社群專案 Sciwork
Science, code, and open source
Science, code, and open source
Sciwork is a conference for researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work. It will be held in Hsinchu on 22nd February 2020. We believe in the power of openness, and we will use open source as a means to advance software development for computational sciences.
Computational sciences are critically important as information technology has blended in every aspect of human activities. Proficiently speaking programming languages is a prerequisite for conducting most research and engineering work, and as practitioners observe, the simple task evolves into a hierarchy of skills that take years to acquire. To properly use computers for science or engineering, the problem is two-fold. We need a thorough understanding of the problem to solve, and simultaneously we need to master computer programming to deliver reliable solution. It is overly challenging since either of both is already complicated.
Sciwork would like to get involved in the global effort to solve the issue of code development entangling with science and engineering. There will be sprints, hands-on tutorials, and technical talks in the conference. Attendees are expected to be in different levels of code development. We will work together for good and open computational sciences.
Areas of topics
- Array processing
- Mathematical and numerical libraries
- Geometry and visualization
- Physics, chemistry, and their applications
- Other science and engineering
- C++, Python, and other programming languages
- Compiler, development environment, and software engineering
- High-performance computing, parallel computing, distributed computing, and concurrent computing
- Cloud, networking, and storage