Global Partnership & Collaboration
Global Partnership and Collaboration
Goals and Purposes
Taiwan’s open source and open culture community are very active. Also, Taiwan stands on the front line of democracy battle for long time and has strong civil society. Besides exchanging information, Taiwan can contribute more globally. Through global works, we wish to build a strong open tech community to support our partners in Asia regions. The experiences and methodology could be shared and translated into the global network. In this modern digital world, the world-wide alliance will be more and more important to deal with rapidly transforming threats.
Started from 2016, OCF put efforts traveling the world to attend the international conference, also, invite many communities’ members join our abroad visiting. Through the actual attendance, we were able to meet international communities, enhance interaction, built trust, and develop partnership. Not only for OCF’s actions, we also hope to act as a channel to bridge the global and local communities.
Records & Reports of abroad visiting
Every time after attending international conference abroad, OCF will release public reports. Many times, OCF will also hold the public sharing after our abroad visiting. All those efforts are for sharing our international experiences as many as possible. For many local communities and their members, it is not easy to flight abroad due to lack of time and funding. Hence, how to still pass our experiences and learnings are important.
Due website revised, the report of 2016-2019 abroad visiting are listed in this hackmd.
2016-2019 Internaional Events attending list
2025 年
2024 年
OONI Partner Meetup
OONI held a two-day "OONI Partner Meetup" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bringing together 40 partners from Asia and the Middle East to exchange skills and knowledge to improve their tools to better meet the needs of the community and to better master the use of OONI tools and data as part of its research and advocacy work. OCF is OONI's partner in Taiwan, learn more about OONI's programs in Taiwan.
IETF 119
The Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, is a membership-free, open-to-all conference with the core mission of developing and promoting voluntary Internet standards (Internet Standards, ISDs). It can be understood as the steering committee or conference activities of ISOC (Internet Society). The goal of OCF's participation in this IETF meeting at Brisbane, Australia is to promote that the (digital) rights that citizen groups care about can be taken into consideration when Internet standards and related decisions and policy basis are formed.
FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers Europe Conference) is the largest annual gathering of the open source community in Europe. It is a two-day event co-organized by community volunteers. The entire event is free of registration and open to participation. There are more than 8,000 open source participants. who join. In addition to learning new knowledge from the agenda, OCF also applied for a booth at the conference to promote and introduce Taiwan's open source activities and related organizational developments with Taiwanese open source communities such as COSCUP.
2023 年
Open Source Summit Japan & Open Source Compliance Summit
Open Source Summit Japan enables technologists and open source industry leaders in the open source ecosystem to collaborate, share information, learn about the latest open source technologies, and learn how to gain a competitive advantage through the use of innovative open solutions. Open Source Compliance Summit is a conference for Linux Foundation members and participants to discuss open source licensing, security, and export control compliance. OCF has been promoting OpenChain for more than two years. This is the first time that OCF has participated in an international OpenChain-themed conference to share the promotion status in Taiwan, learn about the development of various countries, and explore possible partners for cooperation.
IFF/ Global Gathering Summit & Feira
Global Gathering 2023 is the first physical gathering for Digital Rights Defenders organized by Team Community after the epidemic. Team Coummunity is organized for InternetFF and runs the Internet Freedom Festival. OCF has connected with IFF and OTF therefore invited to partipate this event to furthur deepen our relationship with international digital copyright defenders, and introduces OCF’s development in digital human rights and Internet freedom during the epidemic.
Open Government Partnership Global Summit
Open Government is one of OCF's core initiatives. OCF has been participating in OGP summits for several years, and this time the Open Government Partnership Global Summit was held in Tallinn, Estonia. Estonia is a country with better digital government performance. OCF went to attend this conference to continue to track the trends of the international open government community, obtain foreign best practices, and exchange Taiwanese experience.
RightsCon 2023
RightsCon 2023 is a global digital rights conference, hosted by AccessNow, a global iconic international non-profit organization. The 2023 conference is held in Costa Rica from June 5 to 8. It is held in a hybrid online and offline format with over 600 sessions. There are more than 8,100 participants from 174 countries signed up for physical participation. They exchanged views on various Internet, technology and human rights issues, and conducted multilateral expert discussions on human rights and digital rights issues faced by society and multilateral relations in the digital era.
DRAPAC, Asia-Pacific Digital Rights Festival
The 2023 Digital Rights Asia Pacific Assembly (DRAPAC23) was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and included 161 sessions on various formats and themes. This conference was hosted by EngageMedia, in conjunction with Article 19, APC Asia Pacific Regional Office, Philippines Foundation for Media Alternatives, Pakistan’s Media Matter for Democracy and the Open Culture Foundation, through the process of creating a landmark digital rights event in the Asia-Pacific region, and establishing the Asia-Pacific Digital Rights Alliance, empowering citizen organizations and democracy advocates in the Asia-Pacific region.
Global Asia:Human Rights in Asia:Open and Closed Societies in a Post-Pandemic World
OCF was invited by The Sejong Institute in South Korea to participate in the Human Rights in Asia Workshop to share the article Digital Authoritarianism and Threats Posed to Human-Rights Advocacy published on the Global Asia platform.
FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers Europe Conference) is the largest annual gathering of the open source community in Europe. It is a two-day event co-organized by community volunteers. The entire event is free of registration and open to participation. There are more than 8,000 open source participants. who join. In addition to learning new knowledge from the agenda, OCF also applied for a booth at the conference to promote and introduce Taiwan's open source activities and related organizational developments with Taiwanese open source communities such as COSCUP.
2022 年
2022 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) serves as a platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration at a regional level, and also where possible to aggregate national IGF discussions, ultimately advance the Internet governance development in the Asia Pacific region.
Copenhagen Democracy Summit
OCF was invited by international partners to join the Taiwan Open Congress delegation to participate in the Copenhagen Democracy Summit. This conference promotes the goals of the global democratization movement by linking members of the global democratic community. Through the participation of political figures, scholars, experts and democratic activists from various countries, it has become an important international forum to strengthen democratic discussion in recent years. The conference organizer, Alliance of Democracies (AoD), is a non-governmental organization established in 2017 by former Danish Prime Minister and former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
2021 年
2020 年
Facing the Ocean
OCF shares Open Source Community Management & Collaboration @DevRel Asia
Online attendance: COCONET Reunion
Online attendance: TicTec - Digitising parliaments
Online attendance: Creative Commons Global Summit 2020
Online attendance: 2020 APC Member Convening: Closer than ever
Online attendance: Oslo Freedom Forum 2020
Online attendance: OGP 2020 Leaders Summit
Online attendance: Village
Online attendance: The new open source: Leadership, contributions and sustainability
Online attendance & sharing: RightsCon 2020
Online attendance: IFF OrgSec Village
OCF sharing Taiwan's digital response to COVID-19 @ IFF CKS
Online attendance: Sinar Project - Open Government Partnership and Malaysia’s Initiatives
Online attendance: COVIDCon
Fosdem 2020
FOSDEM, the largest open source conference in Europe, was hosted over 300 volunteers and sponsored by 15 companies and organizations. OCF sent the representative to FOSDEM first time in 2020.