Support Program for International Conference Participation
International Conference Grant Program
Program Objectives
Program Objectives - International Exchange
The open source and open culture community in Taiwan is thriving, with an
average of more than ten medium-to-large conferences held each year. At the
same time, we hope to see more Taiwanese contributors take the international
To encourage more young Taiwanese open culture contributors to engage in
international exchanges, the Open Culture Foundation has established the
"International Travel Grant Program" to subsidize the travel expenses of
student contributors whose submissions have been accepted by overseas open
culture and open source-related events.
Subsidy Content
● Round-trip economy class airfare from Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu
to the city where the event is held (excluding travel to a third
● Local accommodation during the event (limited to the total number of
days, including one day before and after the conference).
● Visa fees.
● Event registration fees, but applicants should first apply for any fee
reduction provided by the organizer.
● The total subsidy for each case shall not exceed 50,000 TWD, based on
actual receipts.
● The actual budget cap will be determined by the OCF.
● If a partial subsidy has already been granted by the organizer or other
institutions, OCF will only cover the remaining balance.
Eligibility Criteria
Daytime undergraduate or master's students enrolled in a registered
college or university in the Republic of China.
At least 18 years old.
Possessing the nationality of the Republic of China and residing in
Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, or Matsu (for more than 183 days).
Must have submitted a proposal to the target event and been selected for
the official program (lightning talks or unconference events are
considered unofficial programs).
Must first attempt to apply for travel subsidies provided by the event
organizer; OCF International Travel Grant Program subsidies can only be
applied for if the application is rejected or the organizer provides only
partial support.
Target Events:
- The event must be held outside the Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu regions of the Republic of China.
- The event must be related to open source or open culture, such as conferences, workshops, or other types of activities. The OCF will determine if the event meets this standard (Note: If this is still unclear, please refer to the OCF Annual Report for examples). OCF Annual Report )
- The event must be open to public registration; this program does not subsidize closed-door meetings.
Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received
subsidies from this program.
Application Process:
Please submit your application at least one month before the event starts.
Complete the information listed below and send an email to
After receiving the application, OCF will discuss it internally.
You will be notified whether you have been granted the subsidy and the
amount within two weeks after OCF receives your application.
After the target event has concluded and you have submitted the required
documents and proof of completed obligations, OCF will issue the subsidy
After the event, submit original receipts related to expenses (such as
flight booking confirmations, boarding passes, accommodation
confirmations, etc.). The actual subsidy amount will be based on the
submitted receipts.
Within three months of the event, organize a free, public
experience-sharing session in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, or Matsu. OCF will
not cover any costs for this session, but can help identify suitable free
Provide photos of your participation in the international event (Note: If
there are restrictions on photography at the event, please inform in
Write a reflection article about your experience and publish it on a
public online platform, such as a blog or Github (Facebook is not
considered a public platform). The article must be released under a
Creative Commons license.
Acknowledge the OCF International Travel Grant Program's support in both
the sharing session and the reflection article.
Required Information for the Application Email:
Full name.
Phone number.
School and department you are attending.
Self-introduction (please provide some public online links to your
personal achievements; a brief introduction is sufficient).
Selected international event:
The title, format, duration, and abstract of the selected program (you can
provide the original submission information).
Proof of acceptance (e.g., event program webpage).
Event location and date.
Event introduction (you can provide a link to the event website).
Budget plan, including the total amount for each expense and the desired
subsidy amount.
Anticipated location and city for the sharing session after returning to
your home country.
Theme and format of the sharing session (What will be the main content?
How long will it last? How many participants are expected?).
Include any other information that may be beneficial for your application.