公民參與大亂鬥 美國開放政府改革先鋒.來台最大講座

本活動很榮幸邀請到來自美國的 Steven Clift,他在 2013 獲頒白宮「開放政府」改革先鋒獎項。他將分享二十年來建構活躍的線上社群的秘訣與經驗。

國際 X 在地:公民參與產官學宅首度同台



We are delighted to have Mr Steven Clift, honored as a White House Champion of Change for Open Government, to share his experiences of engaging communities over the past two decades. We also invite leaders of numerous citizen participation efforts here in Taiwan, to share and exchange their experiences and challenges in the global context. 5-minute lightning talks are open for attendees.

Note: The talks will be in the speaker's respective native language (English and Mandarin). Summary in Mandarin will be provided for Mr Clift’s talk.

講者 / Speakers

Avatar image for 'Steven Clift'

Steven Clift

獲頒白宮「開放政府」改革先鋒 / a White House Champion of Change

Steven 在 1994 年就建立了世界上第一個選舉資訊網站,是一位持續推動數位民主的世界級領導者,並在 2013 年獲頒白宮「開放政府」改革先鋒獎項。長期從社區到城市層級推動線上民主,並成功的連結不同種族、收入、新移民,建立包容的線上及線下社群,降低數位落差。

Steven Clift created the world's first election information website in 1994 and continues his "e-democracy" leadership online with 2013 recognition as a White House Champion of Change for Open Government. He has been building online community from neighborhood to city level, and successfully connected people across demographics with an inclusive online and offline community, reducing the digital divide.

Avatar image for '簡宏偉 / Howard Jyan'

簡宏偉 / Howard Jyan

Avatar image for '唐鳳 / @audreyt'

唐鳳 / @audreyt

Avatar image for '呂家華 / Chia-Hua Lu'

呂家華 / Chia-Hua Lu

Avatar image for '張維志 / Whisky Chang'

張維志 / Whisky Chang

Opendata.tw 發起人

議程 / Agenda

18:30 - 19:00
報到 / Registration
12:00 - 12:30
報到 / Registration
12:30 - 12:40 - clkao
開場 / Opening
12:40 - 13:10 - Steven Clift
主題演講:數位世代的公民參與 / Engaging Times: Citizen Participation in the Digital Age
13:10 - 13:40 - 簡宏偉 / Howard Jyan
join.gov.tw 與國發會推動之公民參與藍圖(暫) / join.gov.tw and NDC's Citizen Participation Blueprint (tentative)
13:40 - 14:10 - 唐鳳 / Audrey Tang
vTaiwan.tw - from g0v to gov: 虛擬世界法規調適與線上諮詢 / Consultation and e-Rulemaking
14:10 - 14:40 - 呂家華 / Chia-Hua Lu
審議民主十年度 - 從技術到價值 (兼談臺北市政府、臺南市政府開放政府操作之觀察) / A Decade of Deliberation - from Techniques to Principles
14:40 - 15:30 - 張維志 / Whisky Chang
綜合座談 / Panel
15:30 - 16:00
下午茶 / Tea break
16:00 - 17:00
閃電講 / Lightning talks


State of Citizen Participation is hosted by the Open Culture Foundation, AIT, NDC, Microsoft.

STEVEN CLIFT 訪台系列活動:(需另外報名)

6/10(三) 10:00-12:00 台大政治學系
Engaging Times: The Next Generation, Democracy, and the Digital Era 活動資訊
6/11(四) 14:00-16:00 美國中心
(報名傳真: 02-2725-2644/Email: ChenVMH {at} state.gov)
Engaging Times: Building Vibrant Democracy in the Digital Era 活動資訊
6/14 (日) 12:00-17:00 台灣微軟





邀講 美國國務院講者訪台




主辦 : 財團法人開放文化基金會 , 美國在台協會 , 國家發展委員會 , 台灣微軟